Ultimate Touch Components 4.26 UE4


Features (v3.0):
• Tap, Double Tap, Two Fingers Tap, Two Fingers Double Tap;
• Tap and Drag, Tap and Rotate;
• Swipe: unidirectional, omnidirectional, eight directional;
• Swipe To Move: drag to look, drag to move & drag to pan;
• Pinch gestures: zoom in & out, pan and rotate;
• Virtual Joysticks: fixed, floating, single-axis (sliders), pads, etc.;
• Animated UMG Widgets as joystick skins;
• Bounds: define a specific area for components;
• Priorities: set depth priority for overlapping components;
• Backgrounds Widgets: easily add UMG widgets as background for any component;
• Auto adjustment when screen size or device orientation are changed;
• Cross-components compatibility;
• Networking support;
• Debug Drawing.

Technical Details
Number of Blueprints (core):
• (6) component;
• (1) interface;
• (5) widget;
• (2) enumeration;
• (1) macro library.

Number of Blueprints (examples):
• (20) pawn;
• (10) widgets.

Файлы в паке
55.8 MiBUltimate Touch Components 4.26 Unreal Engine.zip
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