RPG Inventory and Interaction System 1.8 4.27 UE4


Main Features:

Interactable Component (can be added to any actor)
Inventory Core Component (can be added to any actor)
Stats Component (can be added to any actor)
Leveling Component (can be added to any actor)
Crafting Station Component (can be added to any actor)
Upgrading Station Component (can be added to any actor)
Predefined Interactable Actors that uses Inventory: Treasure Chest, Vendor, Storage, Item Pickup
Predefined Interactable Actors: Forge, Doors, Movable Objects, Interaction Triggers
Loot Randomization System
Dropping Items on the Ground (by spawning: LootBag or Class associated Item Pickups)
'Lootbar' Widget can be toggled off
Customizable amount of different Inventory Panels each with specified Size
Support for One-Handed, Two-Handed and Off-Hand Weapons
Items can use required level and durability
5 Sorting Items Methods (Quicksort, by Type, by Rarity, by Weight, by Value)
4 Saving Types (Quicksave, Autosave, Manual Save, Checkpoint)
3 Interaction Input Types (Single Press, Holding, Mashing)
Loot Pop-up (separated by lesser and greater loot)

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320.6 MiBRPG Inventory and Interaction System 1.8 4.27.zip
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