n00dHolster 4.27 FREE UE4


Technical Details
Number of Blueprints: 20+
Input: Keyboard, Mouse
Network Replicated: Yes

Plug & Play Actor Component for replicated holstering bedazzlemen
n00dHolster is a highly flexible and powerful system designed to be added to your project with ease. It will take any object you give it and turn it into a mesh that represents your object and attaches it to the player for all other players see - even if they log out and log back in. Just add the interface and the included HolsterdData variable to your object that you want to see attached, add the component to your character - modify a couple of values and conditions, and away you go! It's time to add holster functionality to all your projects! All the documentation you need to get started is on the official website.

n00dComponents are designed to be merged together into one handy component list. When you click ‘Add to Project’ you may get a prompt that asks you if you’d like to overwrite files. This is done so that we keep the Core up-to-date as well as any shared generic assets.

Small footprint in your project: ~40MB

Файлы в паке
25.5 MiBn00dHolster 4.27 Unreal Engine.zip
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