boards - 9 elements;
modules - 45 elements;
chip - 60 elements;
condenser - 39 elements;
fuse - 20 elements;
gas dischargers - 30 elements;
inductive - 30 elements;
resistors - 30 elements.
Total number of elements: 278 elements. In addition, the following elements are present: table, stool, loupe, layout mat, power socket, prototyping board, soldering iron, 2 tools, mounting wire for connection on the breadboard. 9 PBR materials, textures in 1K - 4K.
Standard material is used to apply textures to models (Standart). Maps are used for materials: Albedo, Metallic, Normal. Asset contains 36 materials, and 64 texture maps. No plug-ins or other software required for working with models.
Added wires for connecting elements on the breadboard (Blueprint spline mesh constructions).
There are blueprints on the boards for animating LEDs.